National Inventory of Living Heritage

From Elävän perinnön wikiluettelo
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National Inventory of Living Heritage

Elements within the Wiki-inventory can be applied for the National inventory of living heritage. The Ministry of Education and Culture has nominated 86 elements into the National Inventory of Living Heritage. The National inventory is based on the applications of various communities and the proposal by the Finnish Heritage Agency and the Advisory group of intangible cultural heritage. Communities and organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage have also been commenting on the submissions. Decision of the elements to be nominated is made by the Ministry of education and culture. Articles in the National Inventory need to be updated every three years.

The National Inventory will be updated regularly, and the next opportunity to submit applications will be in 2026 the latest. The nomination to the National inventory is a recognition to the communities working with these traditions and brings more visibility for them. At the same time it is one step closer towards international recognition.

From the National inventory, it is possible to make nominations to UNESCO’s Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage. At present, Finland’s inscriptions on the UNESCO lists are Sauna culture in Finland (2020) and Kaustinen fiddle playing (2021). Finland is also part of the multinational inscrptions of the Nordic clinkerboat traditions (2021) and knowledge, craft and skills of handmade glass production(2023). The schedule is yet open for any future nominations.

The latest call for the National inventory took place in 2023. Here you can find the new 22 elements in the National inventory.

Instructions for applicants and the evaluation criteria

See the questions here

For more information
Leena Marsio, senior adviser, Finnish Heritage Agency
leena.marsio(at), tel. +358 (0)295 33 6017